Sunday, January 21, 2007

Said I'd Never Do It

I swore I'd never have a blog. It takes too much time, people aren't interested, I'd rather be crafting something. Well, here it is.

I was nudged into creating a blog by a member of the "Whenever" sock knitters' group on There are things called "bottle swaps" on this group. It means you take all kinds of stuff for sock knitting or for sock knitters' entertainment, stuff it into a 2 liter bottle and ship it off in a swap. This person mentioned how neat it was to read a blog to find things to send to her swap partner. I never thought of that.

Well, that was the final push.

So, I don't know what you should expect from this blog. There may be a little or a lot. You might see photos of my stuff - paintings, quilts, knitting, husband or son. Who knows? Check back.

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