Wednesday, August 8, 2007

This Never Ceases to Amaze Me

I am always in awe of a shuttle launch. I especially like it when I'm in Florida and can actually see it happen. Even clear on the other coast, we can watch it from the balcony of our condo. It is amazing. It's like a club out there when the shuttle goes off.

Of course, it is not so pleasant when something goes wrong. I always hold my breath until I see the fuel tanks all fall away and upon re-entry.

Below is a link with NASA videos. You can also go to the NASA site here and hear live feeds from the Control Center. It's really fun.

Go to the NASA video page and click on the top video to see the August 8 launch

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by jbingham

Sunday, January 21, 2007

New Knitting Machine!

I now have a new knitting machine. It's a SR 155 Bulky. I was very impressed. Other than a Singer LK-150, it is my first Silver machine. I am in love with it, as I am my LK-150.

I have an Artisan mid-gauge and an Artisan standard. I'm seriously thinking about consolidating. I could sell my LK-150 and my Artisan standard gauge and get a start on a SR standard gauge. Since I live in Florida part of the time, it sure would be nice to have a standard that I liked as much as the bulky. I do like the Artisan mid just fine. Maybe I could sell my first born - although at 31, he might not be too easy to sell.

Wow! I am totally nuts.

Said I'd Never Do It

I swore I'd never have a blog. It takes too much time, people aren't interested, I'd rather be crafting something. Well, here it is.

I was nudged into creating a blog by a member of the "Whenever" sock knitters' group on There are things called "bottle swaps" on this group. It means you take all kinds of stuff for sock knitting or for sock knitters' entertainment, stuff it into a 2 liter bottle and ship it off in a swap. This person mentioned how neat it was to read a blog to find things to send to her swap partner. I never thought of that.

Well, that was the final push.

So, I don't know what you should expect from this blog. There may be a little or a lot. You might see photos of my stuff - paintings, quilts, knitting, husband or son. Who knows? Check back.